Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Doorposts Goodies

More Doorposts Goodies

Honor Your Father and Mother: The Fifth Commandment for Little Ones

This is a simple, but easily applied, book. The book is simply set up with a question, a scripture as the answer, and a simple coloring book drawing. Book is easily copied for coloring projects while you are focusing on teaching a particular trait. An index is also included to easily find a specific trait that needs refining.

For example:
Question: Do I recognize that my parents are doing what God requires of them when they correct and discipline me?
Answer: “The rod and reproof give wisdowm, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” Proverbs 29:15
There is also a simple picture to color.

Armor of God Pattern

Deaf kids love acting! Doorposts offers complete patterns for sewing your own Suit of Armor. What fun! I have bought all the supplies, which were all found at a craft store, but have yet to put it all together.

Mighty Acts of God

This is a “guide to simple family drama times.” The first few pages contain topics such as “Why Dramatize?”, “Different Ways to Dramatize”, “Easy Costumes”, and “Getting Started”. The bulk of the book is story notes for creating your own family dramas. Using common Bible stories, the Forsters give the scripture reference, characters, costumes, and story line. The book finishes with “Dramatizing with Toys”, “Special ‘Story Meals’”, and a couple of patterns for simple costumes. What a great addition to your Bible study library for your deaf learner.

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